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The Community's Needs

According to the 2017 census, there are 61,973 people residing in the 32210 community.  Approximately 14,616 are families and 22.2% of them were below the federal poverty level.  The surrounding zip code areas (32244, 32205, 32221, and 32222) have an additional total census of 130,578 residents and an additional 31,802 families.


In this community and the surrounding areas:

More than 1,400 individuals sought treatment for mental health &/or substance abuse, with 11% Baker Acts. Some self-medicate with alcohol and illegal substances, such as cocaine, heroin, and opiates.

The 32210 community has the highest incidence of substance abuse overdoses (14% of total overdoses in Duval County).

2nd highest number of child removals (27%).  Children are impacted by their families’ struggles with these disorders and diminished parental protective capacities.

30% infant mortality rate, higher than the national and state levels & 15% of pregnant women in the 32210 are receiving substance abuse treatment services.

In the 32210 area, there are two federally qualified community health centers that provide medical and dental services.  However, there are very limited community services and resources available to address an individual or family’s needs for ongoing therapeutic services to treat mental illness and/or substance abuse and address parenting education, supervised visitation services, tutoring services, the arts, and mentorship / peer support.  Most of these services are offered in other parts of Jacksonville, FL and/or in the heart of Clay County, but are not easily accessible for someone living within the 32210 community and surrounding areas.

The Community Center Project - If We Build It, They Will Come

Just as a healthy body is better able to fight off disease, a healthy community is better able to fight off crime, strife and dysfunction.” 

It is for these reasons that Inspire to Rise will diligently work to address these families and/or individuals’ needs by providing integrated, family-centered, strength- and evidence-based, and solution-focused treatment through a comprehensive array of services that will be offered at the community center.  There is strength in unity, and collaborative partnerships with stakeholders who also have a vested interest in seeing their local community thrive will be key to the success of the community center model.


Inspire to Rise intends to renovate and reopen a former church property located in the 32210 area (Westside) of Jacksonville, Florida to continue the church’s original mission of serving and uplifting others within the community.


The 32210 property is centrally located between Duval and Clay counties and is easily accessible via bus for clients, with a bus stop directly in front of the property.  It should be noted that it is Inspire to Rise's intent to partner with local community health clinics, the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department, the Sheriff’s Office, and other community stakeholders to provide additional wraparound support to the children, families, and individuals’ we serve.  These future partners are in favor of this community center model.


Services will be initiated in phases as the property is renovated.  The space will be specifically setup as a community center with administrative office space, meeting space, three (3) visitation rooms, and a large training room / social hall to provide a safe space for children, families, and individuals to receive services.  Services will include but are not limited to individual and group counseling, psycho-social rehabilitation, NA or AA support groups, art therapy classes, visitation with family, parenting education services, etc.  As the program needs grow, there is a house and two additional parcels of land that border the church property will be utilized for future program development.

Phase I

  • Purchase and renovate sanctuary.

  • Outreach with local ministries needing use of the sanctuary.

  • Outreach with local Police, Fire Department, and community leaders looking to help develop partnerships to help address the current issues.

Phase II

  • Convert existing office space to accommodate individual and group therapy and visitation services.  

  • Apply to various state agencies to become an approved mental health provider, and a licensed substance abuse case management, treatment, and intervention provider.

Phase III

  • Renovate and build out kitchen.

  • Renovate social hall.

  • Renovate classroom building for therapy and visitation rooms and clinic space.

  • Add new playground.

  • Build out new staff offices.

Phase IV

  • Repair house on property and determine other community needs for its use.

Stronger Families = Stronger Community 

With your help and generosity, Inspire to Rise feels that we can make a tremendous impact by uplifting many children, families, and individuals' that come to the Community Center in search for help, inspiration, kindness, education, and personal growth.  We thank you for making this community center a reality.  We welcome your continued support and generous financial and in-kind donations.  Together, we will all work tirelessly today in our local community for a better tomorrow!

© 2024 Inspire to Rise, Inc. by 5elephants, LLC

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Find Us: 

Inspire to Rise, Inc. - Westside (Main Campus)

5927 Old Timuquana Road, Jacksonville, FL  32210

Inspire to Rise, Inc. - Northwest

2901 Commonwealth Avenue, Jacksonville, FL  32254

Inspire to Rise, Inc. - Nassau County

@ FSS Nassau Service Center

96016 Lofton Square Ct, Yulee, FL 32097

Inspire to Rise, Inc. @ Community Health Outreach

5126 Timuquana Road, Jacksonville, FL  32097

OD2A is a grant-based program with 100% of its funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

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Inspire to Rise, Inc. is proudly sponsored by:

Florida Health: the first accredited public health system in the U.S.

On 6/22/22, Inspire to Rise, Inc. earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Behavioral Health Care and Human Services Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. The Gold Seal is a symbol of quality that reflects a health care organization’s commitment to providing safe and quality patient care.


Inspire to Rise, Inc. is accredited by:

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